This site is not intended to be the be all and end all of information regarding archery, it is merely a smattering of a few things I’ve learnt and have been asked now and again… I will not knowingly post any misinformation on this site. If you believe anything to incorrect/false/misleading please let me know.
My name is Rhys and I love archery with my primary discipline being recurve target archery. I am a member of our local archery club where myself and one other archer provide basic instruction to those that are keen to get into the sport, we do not pretend to be advanced coaches.
Our local archery club was founded in October 2014 and has grown substantially since then. We started out with three butts, currently have fourteen, this is largely due to the growth of the club but we are also planning a few special tournaments in the coming years. We have an outdoor range and no indoor range but do practice the indoor distance on our range, outdoors. Our club has a good representation at some at the local provincial level indoor tournaments and at the 2018 provincial indoor championships we had 14 archers on the line (out of a total of 40) , ten of which came home with medals.
We are primarily a World Archery format target archery club but some of our members participate in various other disciplines too.
Archery is a wonderful sport and I would recommend it to anyone. To all those parents that get frustrated that your children spend their lives playing computer games, encourage your children to try archery, it gets them outside, gives them a little exercise and they get to interact with other like minded people.
Remember, there are countless sources of information out there about archery, do not take one site’s opinion as the correct and only option (that includes this site), hunt around and read plenty and form your own opinion and very importantly, ask plenty questions of those that have been doing archery for a while and I’m sure you’ll find that most archers will be more than willing to offer advice and information (again, don’t just take their word for it, check it out for yourself too).
I am a recurve archer, I do own a compound bow but seldom shoot it, so the information on this site will likely be biased toward recurve archery and equipment…
You can contact me by email: Rhys @MyArchery